
Overview Source Code Bug Tracker Language Reference

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Primitive Types

Primitive Type Equivalent C Type Description
i8 int8_t 8-bit signed integer
i16 int16_t 16-bit signed integer
i32 int32_t 32-bit signed integer
i64 int64_t 64-bit signed integer
u8 uint8_t 8-bit unsigned integer
u16 uint16_t 16-bit unsigned integer
u32 uint32_t 32-bit unsigned integer
u64 uint64_t 64-bit unsigned integer
f32 float 32-bit floating point value
f64 double 64-bit floating point value
bool bool Boolean value
void void Void type

Derived Types

Given arbitrary types a, b, c and non-negative integer n:

Derived Type Equivalent C Type Description
*a const a* Immutable pointer to a
mut*a a* Mutable pointer to a
func (a, b) c const c (*foo)(a, b) Immutable pointer to a function
[n]a a[n] Array of a of size n
struct(a, b) N/A Unlabeled struct
struct(foo a, bar b) struct { a foo; b bar; } Labeled struct
packed(a, b) N/A Packed unlabeled struct
packed(foo a, bar b) struct { a foo; b bar; } __attribute__((packed)) Packed labeled struct


i32 literals expressed in decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary:

12, 0xff, 0o127, 0b10101

i8, i16, i64 literals:

100c, 128h, 55l

u8, u16, u32, u64 literals:

123uc, 85uh, 10u, 15ul

i8 literals expressed as characters:

'a', 'b', '\n', '\\'

bool literals:

true, false

*i8 (“string”) literals:

"hello\n", "asdf", nil

The special nil literal is the same value as 0 but is of type *i8. It is useful for setting immutable pointers to zero since they cannot be cast to or from integers or mutable pointers.

var a = nil; // a is of type *i8
var b = *i32(nil); // b is of type *i32
var c = *my_type(nil); // c is of type *my_type

Compound Values

Arrays are constructed with curly braces:

val i32array = { 12, 13, 14 };
i32array[0]; i32array[1]; i32array[i32array[1]]; // elements accessed by index

Zero-initialized arrays can be constructed with the following syntax:

val zero_array = [i32; 3]; // equivalent to { 0, 0, 0 }

Packed and non-packed unlabeled structs:

val a = (1, 'a', 3ul); // struct with members of type i32, i8 and u64
val b = (: nil, 0xff :) // packed struct with members of type *i8 and i32
a.0; a.1; a.2; // members are accessed by index

Packed and non-packed labeled structs:

val a = struct(foo i32, bar i8)(12, 'a'); // struct with members foo and bar
val b = packed(asdf u64, qwer i32)(3ul, 12); // packed struct with members asdf and qwer
a.foo; a.bar; // members are accessed by name

type my_type = struct(one i32, two i32);
val c = my_type(1, 2);
c.one; c.two;


Variables and constants are declared with var and val respectively. The mutability of variables and constants applies to their members/elements as well.

var a = 1;
a = 2; // mutable
val b = 0; // immutable

var c = (1, 2, 3);
c.0 = 12; // mutable
val d = (3, 4, 5); // immutable

var b = [2; i32];
b[0] = 1; // mutable
val c = { 0xae, 0xbeef, 0xc0ffee }; // immutable

Types can be specified explicity:

var a i32 = 0;
val b struct(i8, struct(i32, i32)) = ('a', (0, 1));

Function declarations:

func f(a i32, b i32) void; // forward declaration

func main(argc i32, argv **i8) i32 {
  return 0;

func f(a i32, b i32) void {}

Functions are public by default but can be made private with the private keyword:

private func secret() void {}

Functions declared with extern are assumed to be defined in a different object file:

extern func printf(s *i8) void;

func main(argc i32, argv **i8) i32 {
  return 0;


Pointers can be mutable (read + write) or immutable (read-only).